Southwire Romex Simpull Solid Indoor 50' 10/2 and 50' 12/2 W/G NMB Cable Bundle (2 Items) $50.74

Southwire Romex Simpull Solid Indoor 50' 10/2 and 50' 12/2 W/G NMB Cable Bundle (2 Items) $50.74. Not as slick as the $43 deal that was posted recently, which went out of stock in no time. $50.76 is still an incredible deal for both 10/2 and 12/2 Romex, 50' each, considering the 50' 12/2 alone runs at about that price at big box home improvement stores. For those of you who are not sure what 10/2 is used for - it is for oven, AC, water heater, heat pump...
9 months ago